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Weigh in on proposed WisMed policies today!

07/21/2022 8:40 AM | Deleted user

Wisconsin Medical Society | Medigram

Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) member policy proposals are now posted on PolicyLink and are open for members to register support, opposition and/or comments. The comment period for this round of policy proposals will be open through Monday, August 1, 2022.

To participate in WisMed policymaking:

  1. Visit policylink.wismed.org
  2. Login with your WisMed username and password*
  3. Click “Comment on Proposal” from the menu at the top of the page
  4. Select “Comment Period 1”
  5. Click on a blue proposal title
  6. When ready, click on support, oppose or suggest amendments and submit any comments in the text box below
  7. Click “Submit Comment” button at the bottom of the page

After the close of this comment period, proposed policies will move to the Policy Review Committee (PRC) which will review each proposal and member comments to help inform their recommendation to the WisMed Board of Directors (BOD). The BOD will decide whether to adopt, not adopt or make changes to the proposal.

Read more.

Brown County Medical Society
563 Carter Court Suite B | Kimberly, WI 54136
920-560-5629 | BrownCMS@badgerbay.co

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