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Panel Series - Wisconsin's Looming Healthcare Workforce Crisis

  • 03/10/2020
  • Madison, WI


Wisconsin's aging population is straining the state's healthcare workforce. Providers are having more difficulty filling slots, while demand for care is set to increase.

How will the state address the coming silver tsunami? A panel of experts will discuss what policies are helping stem the tide, and what more needs to be done at a Wisconsin Health News panel on Tuesday, March 10, in Madison.


  • Lisa Pugh, Executive Director, The Arc Wisconsin
  • Ann Zenk, Vice President of Workforce and Clinical Practice, Wisconsin Hospital Association
  • Dennis Winters, Chief Economist, Department of Workforce Development 
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563 Carter Court Suite B | Kimberly, WI 54136
920-560-5629 | BrownCMS@badgerbay.co

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